【TU Berlin: 베를린 공대】 11월 26일 외국인 지원자를 위한 온라인 학부 설명회 (영어진행) > 독일 소식/정보

상담전화 02-6407-3755

월~금 10:00 ~ 18:00 (점심12:00~13:00)
토/일/공휴일 휴무

빠른 상담문의


독일 소식/정보

【TU Berlin: 베를린 공대】 11월 26일 외국인 지원자를 위한 온라인 학부 설명회 (영어진행)

작성자 최고관리자

작성일 2024.11.26



11월 26일 외국인 지원자를 위한 온라인 학부 설명회  (영어진행)

Studying a bachelor's degree at TU Berlin 

Are you interested in studying at TU Berlin and would like to learn more about our undergraduate degree programs?

베를린 공대에서 공부하는 데 관심이 있고 학부 학위 프로그램에 대해 자세히 알고 싶으신가요?


Did you earn your secondary school degree outside of Germany and would like to know what you need to apply for a bachelor's degree at TU Berlin?

독일 외 국가에서 대학입학자격을 취득하였고 베를린 공대에서 학사 학위 지원에 필요한 사항을 알고 싶으신가요?

During this event, we will provide information about studying in Germany as well as the requirements to study. Together we will discuss the options at TU Berlin and how you can find out more about a specific degree program and study options in general.

This event will be held in English. If you need information in German, please get in touch with us via: studienberatung(at)tu-berlin.de

Please subscribe for our reminder by e-mail. You can participate without prior registration as well.

Click here to join: https://tu-berlin.zoom.us/j/63706471597?pwd=uEKqkaKO0so9bArHf3WSo11eWzJGPY.1


637 0647 1597



International numbers: https://tu-berlin.zoom.us/u/cvoMrECAg

※ Netiquette (네티켓) ※

We take respectful interaction and the general rules for online events as a matter of course.

This includes:

The recording of screenshots, audio or video recordings - even in part - is only permitted if all participants expressly agree in advance. We do not tolerate insults, racist, sexist and other inhumane content or statements and unobjective disturbances. We reserve the right to exclude participants in the event of violations and to punish violators under criminal law if necessary.


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